14 September 2013

Welcome back. He muses to himself.

I somewhat casually realized that I began this blog mostly for myself, for my own amusement, about four years ago and have proceeded to casually neglect it for more than  the past two years. That and I fancy long sentences. Who knows why we start blogs. And why we abandon them. Because we have something to say and then we don't. I read something once about the quantity and/or percentage of blogs begun/forgotten. I don't recall the source or specifics but the numbers were large. So I'm no different.

But I am now typing with two untrained thumbs on my wi-fi but not-new OS phone. Since two years ago when I most recently abandoned this little blog, I have a different job, a fledgling business, a third perfect child on the way, and an overall sense of being closer to where I felt I should be by now. But, it's just a blog. A blog for me. By me and for me. I'll pass on twitter, mostly pass on tumblr and facebook, and have no use for google plus. So we'll see what happens.

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