24 May 2009

why blog

I'm confused. Why do this. Such a solitary thing, writing. Why write and post, for whatever nut or bored malcontent who happens upon an unknown site to find. Seems ridiculous. Words and thoughts are private. I speak as little as possible but write as much as possible. Nothing leaves my password protected computer. Granted, I'd never post anything of reasonable consequence on a random weblog but why would anyone? Why would I or anyone else. Self gratification, boastful intentions, whatever the case may be. I'm baffled yet intrigued. A weblog is nothing more than a diary with no key. My sister had one of those little Holly Hobby or Strawberry Shortcake or whatever the hell it was diarys with the goofy little plastic lock. But I don't recall ever reading it. I probably did, just because I could. But the point is, I wouldn't remember anything if I did, just that I did. And I don't even remember that. More to the point, it's not what is said, it's the fact that it can be said. Think I'll write some more though.

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